داستان آبیدیک

محرومیت از مقام کلیسایی یا مذهبی


1 Law:: degradation : A deprivation of dignity; dismissal from rank or office; act or process of degrading. Moral or intellectual decadence; degeneration; deterioration. An ecclesiastical censure, whereby a clergyman is divested of his holy orders. There are two sorts by the canon law, – one summary, by word only; the other solemn, by stripping the party degraded of those ornaments and rights which are the ensigns of his degree. Degradation is otherwise called “deposition,” but the canonists have distinguished between these two terms, deeming the former as the greater punishment of the two. There was likewise a degradation of a lord or knight at common law, and also by act of parliament. HCB

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